5 Benefits Of Mini Dental Implant Procedures

Roughly 178 million Americans are missing at least one tooth. 

Mini dental implants are a fast, yet very effective way to stabilize your dentures. The mini dental implant procedure is minimally invasive and can be done painlessly and quickly. 

Here are five benefits of mini dental implants: 

1. You Don’t Need As Much Bone Mass In Your Jaw As You Do For Traditional Implants 
Mini dental implants don’t require as much bone mass for proper osseointegration. This means they’re an option for those who don’t have the bone mass that is needed for conventional implants, helping to possibly avoid the need for a bone graft. 

2. Mini Dental Implants Are A Far Less Invasive Surgery

Mini dental implants are placed through less invasive techniques than conventional dental implants. They eliminate the need for major surgery since mini implants can be placed in the jaw during one relatively non-invasive treatment. Mini dental implants minimize the need for bone grafting and expedite the implant procedure.

3. There Are Fewer Appointments Needed for Mini Dental Implants

Because the placement of mini dental implants is less involved, they require less time to receive than regular implants. Dentists usually can place mini implants in one visit using local anesthesia. Plus, no sutures are needed. Conventional implants, on the other hand, take several months and require at least four dental appointments. 

4. Mini Dental Implants Are Half The Cost Of Traditional Implants

The cost of standard dental implants can be costly and is increasingly expensive, especially if several visits to the dentist are required. Because the mini dental implants are so time efficient, your dentist is able to perform these procedures at a fraction of the cost normally associated with standard implants. In most cases, the mini dental implant procedure is less than half the cost of a traditional implant case.

5. Mini Dental Implants Are Narrower Than Traditional Implants

Mini implants are smaller than regular implants. Unlike conventional implants, they’re comprised of a one-piece screw that’s less than 3mm in diameter.